Siquando Pro Shop

Siquando – Pro Shop

We have reinvented the online shop

The ideal webshop is much more than a mere catalogue of articles. It is your shop window to the world. An impressive virtual showroom of your products. Your most competent and successful salesperson. It explains your offer and leads prospective customers to a purchase. Moreover, it is “tailor-made” for your business and makes your web presence unique.

Pro Web included

By the way: Since Pro Shop contains a complete SIQUANDO Pro Web, you can also build “standard” websites – completely without shop functions. Or start without a shopping option and add it later. No matter what you decide, the extensive possibilities of Pro Web will inspire every project. Take a look at our product page and find out what makes Pro Web so unique.

Pro Shop

Desktop CMS Software for Windows PC

Licence for one user

Pro Shop Multiuser

Desktop CMS Software for Windows PC

Licence for 10 users

Pro Shop Enterprise

Desktop CMS Software for Windows PC

Licence for ∞ users

All prices excl. VAT

Siquando Pro Shop

Webshops on a whole new level

Drive your visitors into shopping fever

The “engine” that drives SIQUANDO Pro Shop and makes individual webshops possible is SIQUANDO Pro Web. In the updated version, our most powerful web construction kit now has even more horsepower under the bonnet. Your webshop also benefits from this in the new SIQUANDO Pro Shop.

From the shop operator’s point of view, there is hardly a more important module: “Add to cart” not only allows your customers to place items in their virtual shopping cart. It also ensures an attractive presentation of your products. For this purpose, Pro Shop, offers five different display formats, one to three columns, product images, a list of product features, live product availability, special prices and much more, such as social media buttons, with which you can turn your customers into enthusiastic ambassadors of your shop. Feel free to contact us. Our team of experts is available 24/7 to assist you.

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